Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Obama Banks

pictures of Obama Banks, image of Obama Banks, photo of Obama Banks
Obama Banks
Obama Banks - : Facing White House pressure to increase lending, bank CEOs plan to tell President Barack Obama in a meeting on Monday that they are ready to tep up and take additional steps to promote economic recovery, industry officials tell
BLACK POLITICAL BUZZ....: Obama's "Disappointed Father" Bank CEOs: I think banks were in denial. Obama Pressure Wells Fargo, Bank of America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase 38 Co. this year have hired and trained more staff, developed software systems for expediting short sales, and increased marketing of
Obama/Geithner Foreclosure Madness As Banks Refuse To Deal: Tomorrow, the President will meet with heads of the country's biggest banks and Summers told me the White House has a blunt message: President Obama is going to be talking with them about what they can do to support enhanced lending to
Swiftspeech!: Obama To Banks: "won't You Be Nice To Your Customers: COM) The Roosevelt Room of the White House was the setting for President Obama's meeting today with large banking institutions. He stated: America's banks received extraordinary assistance from American taxpayers to rebuild their

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